About Us
We aim to deliver a holistic approach to wellness and lifestyle. Our main trait is personalized health that focuses on overall well being. During consultation we are able to give feedback on stress areas effecting the twelve main systems of the human body, especially the digestive system. No medical diagnosis are made as this is a holistic approach – the main focus is elimination of stress and overall optimization.
Current scientific tools used to identify stressed areas are amino acid profiling blood test, biofeedback, meta-psychology and neural organisation technique. There are a range of products and herbs used to support the body in times of stress and dis-ease which may be suggested by the wellness practitioners. All the above is complementary to allopathic treatments.
Contact Us
For any inquiries please email us
Rodette Kotzé
- Wellness Practitioner and Accredited T.I.R Facilitator, Ozone Therapist
- BSc Biochemistry & Physiology, In practice experience since 2015
- 308 Dominika Street, Sinoville
- rkadmin@wellnesspractitioner.life
- admin@wellnesspractitioner.life
- +27 82 323 9532
- Practice number: 00011633/001
- NHA: SUP 08270QBP
- TIRA -SA Membership No. KOT003
Rodette's Services
Health Consultations
Trauma Counselling
Amino Acid Profiling
Personalised Supplementation
Full Body Scans (Quantec and Cell Quicken)
Massage chair & Ozone Therapy
My speciality
Trauma Counselling (Applied Meta-psychology)
Trauma, emotional stress, and physical stress are three of the most common root causes of many illnesses and mental disorders. Depression is one of the highest leading diagnoses in the present time. Unblocking, Life Stress Reductions (LSRs) and Traumatic Incident Reductions (TIRs) sessions allow the client to process through any incident and any emotion that is important to them at the present time.
It allows the person to feel lighter and gain motivation to power through any difficult situation. The client gains their own insight, interpretations and realisations with the guide of the Facilitator. All these techniques and many more are applied meta-psychology.
Health Consultation
The health consultation provides a full body scan with Quantec and Cell quicken. Both these scans compile a holistic view of the body’s stressors, toxin level, and cell functionality. A process of detoxification, elimination, and regeneration is followed after the consultation as to assist the body in reparation and regeneration. Lifestyle is the biggest known contributor to illness and disease. I assist you in identifying where you can make small changes and allow a big difference in your daily life. Many different protocols and treatments are available for your specific needs. All you need to do is, book the first appointment.
Ozone Therapy
How does it work in the body?
An ozone molecule is created when an oxygen molecule (O2) is charged with an electrical charge and another oxygen atom (O1) joins to form a new molecule (O3), which is called an ozone molecule. When ozone enters the bloodstream it starts a cascade of natural reactions to help heal and restore the body. Ozone helps detox the body and organs, oxygenates the blood and organs, hence increasing the body’s oxygen levels and optimizing life quality.
For any more queries please look at these Frequently Asked Questions.
Elri Pauw
- MSc Nutrition ; in practice experience since 2009, registered at NHA , Neural Training Therapist & Wellness Practitioner
- elri@wellnesspractitioner.life
- admin@wellnesspractitioner.life
- +27 82 389 6204
- 48 Braam Pretorius Street, Wonderboom, Pretoria
- THO: no 699783
- NHA no: SUP 08154
Elri's Services
Wellness Consultations
Neural Organization Therapy
Amino Acid Profiling
Personalised Supplementation
Biofeedback Scanning (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System)
My speciality
Healthy lifestyle changes have always been a struggle for the majority of people. Fast paced and sedentary lifestyles, bad nutrition, lack of sleep and stress contributes to a very large percentage of our health deterioration. My focus is to help the client pin-point the unnecessary stressors that contribute to their health decline with the information given by their total body biofeedback scan.
Proper Biofeedback training, Nutritional advice, Supplementation and NOT Therapy is given according to each client’s individual needs.
Neural Organization Technique (N.O.T)
Neural Organization Technique (N.O.T) is a very specialized and non-invasive, yet physical and hands-on technique. It works with neurological priority systems or basic survival systems, namely flight/fight, feeding/immune and reproduction, to ultimately restore structural, bio-chemical and emotional balance.
Treatment includes a combination of techniques such as acupressure points,
reactive muscle monitoring and coordinated breathing to address areas of
concern. The correct balance of the neural system is what enables us to survive and function in every possible situation. It was designed to be a self-healing, self-regulating and self-perpetuating system, but it can be thrown off balance by physical, chemical or emotional trauma.
Just as our mind stores events, so does our body. The body is an integrated whole and each system depends on the functional integrity of the other survival systems. When one system is off balance, or blocked, it
affects all our other systems which over-compensate for the impaired system. N.O.T offers a protocol that allows the therapist to identify, access and release trauma stored by the body, rebalancing the body and assisting in the prevention and treatment of illness.
Who will benefit?
N.O.T treatment is beneficial to everyone, as in today’s world, we are confronted by physical and emotional stressors on a daily basis. These disturb the balance in the body which then makes us more susceptible to disease and discomforts.
Adults and children who suffer with chronic pain, tight necks and jaws, learning difficulties, stress and posture issues, to name just a few, will especially benefit from N.O.T.